New Website, New Blog, and great news

Monday, September 20, 2010
So it has obviously been a while since we have updated this blog. Our apologies, but we have been working on a new website and new blog. Our new website is and you can check our blog under the community tab. We will try to keep that up to date.

On another note. Sojourn Church is officially meeting every Sunday at 5:00 in the Fisher's basement. We have 8 members and are really excited about what God is doing in our church. It has been a busy year with lots of ups and downs, but God is directing our path and we see His hand at work all around us.

We will be keeping this blog active, but our main blog will be connected with our website. Thanks for all your support and prayers as we have been on this journey. If you get a chance send us an email to know you are watching the blog.