These are the podcasts that I have on my iTunes library. I listen to these all the time. Listen to these guys, turn off the music sometime and listen to something that will bless your soull . (Yes Christian music is good but seriously the same lyrics over and over don't hold a hat to Biblical teaching or conversation.) If there is a 1 means listen to it, it's the jam. I would love to hear what you guys have to say about these in the future.
I have them divided into 1. Church planting, Church, Culture, these are the ones that I find interesting about Cultural issues, Church and Church planting stuff. Preaching it different places I listen to good Biblical preaching. Finances are something that I take and interest in I am hard core about staying out of debt and glorifying God through giving and building for the future. Lastly are the weirdos, these are the crazies I listen to to keep up with what the other side is saying.
I am going to break these down by topic and here is the key.
(1). Listen to this one and don't miss a one
(2). Listen to this when I get a chance but really enjoy what it says
(3). Listen to this when I am doing research
(4). I pick and choose who I want to listen to from this one.
Church Planting, Church, Culture stuff
1. Acts 29 Network Podcast: This podcast are the sermons and lectures fromt he acts 29 events which include thier Church planting boot camps and general conferences.(1)
2. Dallas Theological Seminary Dialogues: Dallas Theological Seminary does this every once in a while and they cover different hot topics in culture, very thoughful and interesting. (3)
3. Inside Lifeway: Lifeway is up to some really cool things in culture and research. This is surprisingly interesting. (1)
4. Ravi Zacharias International Ministry: Ravi is an incredibly good thinker, a great philosopher, and wonderful to listen to. (2)
5. North American Missions: Dr. J.D. Payne, my church planting prof at Southern, does this on Church planting Issues in North America, does a great job and is worth the listen. (1)
6. North American Mission Board: This is NAMB, North American Mission Board, podcast it is good kind of outdated but useful to understand Church planting. Worth the listen definetly.. (4)
7. Renewing your Mind Podcast: R.C. Sproul is a great thinker and theologian. Sproul has been doing this for years and there is a treasure chest of things to listen to here. (1)
8. The Albert Mohler Program: Al Mohler is the president of Southern Seminary (the one I go to) he does a fabulous job interacting with culture from a Biblical worldview. I never miss one of these, great place to hear about current issues and how to think Biblically about them. (1)
Preaching Podcasts sermons etc...
1. Capitol Hill Baptist Church: This is the sunday sermons and also the special events that Mark Dever and his staff do at CHBC in Washington D.C. I love this Church and never miss one of these. (1)
2. Song of Solomon: Tommy Nelson Podcast on Song of solomon, this is a world known study that he has done, great resource for anyone. (3)
3. Desiring God Radio: John Piper is one of the most influential people in my life. I read lots of his stuff and I don't go a week without listening to this. Piper preached through Romans for 8 years just finished this past January. This is the Web Radio Show of his sermons, Desiring God (his ministry) takes his sermons and cuts them up into 15 or so minute bites and puts them out there. There are interviews commentary etc here as well. USE THIS!!! (1)
4. Desiring God Sermon Audio:
http://desiringgodorg/feeds.sermonAudio/ Bethlehem Baptist Church; This is updated week to week and is the up to date with the sermons that John Piper is preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church. I don't miss this ever!!(1)
5. Mars Hill Church: Mark Driscoll is another great influence in my life, I love the stuff he does and really he is one of the best out there in thinking, preaching, cultural interaction I never miss it. (1)
6. Paul Washer sermons: Paul Washer tells it like it is. Great guy to listen to you should listen to him. His preaching is incredibly convicting. (2)
7. Resurgence Podcast: I never, I repeat never miss what is on this podcast. Mark Driscoll oversees this ministry and it is spectacular. Things about culture, theology, scriptrue, family. There are youg guys, older guys all across the board but very missional and very conservative. (1)
Seminary/University Podcast
1. Southeastern Seminary: Great seminary and there are some great sermons hear. (4)
2. Southwestern Seminary: Refer to the previous (4)
3. Southern Seminary Podcast: Refer to the ones above but the difference is this is my seminary so there you go. (1)
4. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary: New Orleans Seminary Chapel Podcast is good, I listen to it when there is someone good preaching, depends on who is doing it. (4)
5. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary:
6. Dallas Theological Seminary: Theologically this school and I have some differing views but it has some good stuff on it. I pick and choose who I listen to on here, no just anyone. (4)
7. Union University Podcast: Really good stuff on this, they have some good speakers and they have some good conferences as well. (4)
1. Crown Financial Ministry: Crown has been huge in my life and Christians is regards to using your finances to glorify God. Intensely practical more so about what God has to say about money. USE THIS!!!! (1)
2. The Dave Ramsey Show: Another great place for financial advice, a little more secular but still Dave is a Christian. There is a wealth of things here, listen to it and avoid debt and using your money to consume and instead of glorifying God. (1)
1. Emergent Podcast: I have to say I DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE PEOPLE THEOLOGICALLY AND MANY WAYS PRACTICALLY. I like to keep up with what the otherside is saying and doing so I can know how to talk about it. (3)
2. Doug Pagitt Podcast: Refer to the disclaimer and explanation above. (4)
3. Relevant Podcast Really funny people on this one. There is some good stuff but overall it is an entertaining podcast. (1)
4. Tony Campolo Podcast: Dude, is crazy but good to listen to the other side. Remember the weirdos I don't agree with on most everything but they are good to listen to. (3)
5. Catalyst Podcast: This podcast is the Catalyst organization they do stuff on leadership and are affiliated with John Maxwells group. Theologically there are issues with these guys but they are great to understand what all these different leaders think and do the very good and the very bad. (2)
Misc Podcast soon to come.