Saturday, October 18, 2008
Over the last few days, I've had the great pleasure of traveling to Sioux Falls, SD. The DBC (Dakota Baptist Convention) had a leadership training that they invited me and about 20 other pastors to. I got to meet people from all around North and South Dakota, and they were great.

On my way down, I decided that I wanted to stop by some of the cities on the way to Sioux Falls. When you look at the demongraphics of the two states, the heaviest concentrations of people are on the eastern side of the states. From the beginning, we have been passionate about planting Churches. I got to see some of the places that we talk about in the vision first hand. From Winnipeg, Canada to Sioux Falls, SD. This is commonly called the I 29 Corridor. This includes places like Grand Forks, North Dakota(Home of UND), Fargo (where we are now home of NDSU), Wahepton (Home of NDS College of Science, Madison South Dakota (Home of DSU), Watertown, Brookings (Home of SDSU), Sioux Falls, and Vermillion (Home of USD). As you can see, these are the centers of education and culture for the region. The largest cities in the Dakotas, Sioux Falls and Fargo, are in this region. Winnipeg has as many people in its city limits than North Dakota as a whole, and there are only 2 SBC Churches.

All this is to say is the vision is large, and we want to plant Churches in these communities to raise up leaders to perpetually plant Churches. We want to see people come here from other places to plant Churches, and live intentional lives to expand the kingdom of Christ. We want teams to come and lock arms with us in reaching the people of these communities. So here we are in Fargo, just starting something that will undoubtly take a very long time, but this vision begs of us to change the way we view Church. Do we view Church from a building or a place, or do we view Church as a body of people gathered together to worship, learn, and explore Christ together? In order to plant Churches like this, we can't be locked into a method, we have to be locked into Biblical truths. Simplicity is a key thing for this to work.

Will you come, will you come as a week long missionary and serve with us? Will you come for a summer and lock arms with us joining God on his mission here? Will you come as a Summer missionary and help us start some groups that impact people? Will you join us here for real, for good, and make this wonderful place your home? You will be welcomed by believers that love and support you. People that, when your car has a flat, will be there in a minute to help you. Will you join us as we join God on his mission?

-Missio Dei Dakotas -