"Deep Way Down"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Great insight Jeremy, thanks for sharing that. Ed's blog is really good and worth the time to read.

For those of you reading that know us, you know that a cornerstone to our mission the Lord has called us to is working a job. Not just temporarily, but for the long haul. Often in Church planting (not negatively but the reality) a job is overlooked or worked for a short time, and then left when they can be full time at the church. There is a place for this, however, the problem that has developed is that this is the way it is almost exclusively done. Very few church planters continue to be bi-vocational in order to plant churches.

Abby and I are people that get stir crazy, and need structure. I am terrible about working in an office because what happens is I am always in the office, and I never go out and interact with people. The same is true when I work from home. So what does this mean for us?

I have been working at the Pita Pit for the last three weeks. It is a good job, and it is always a humbling experience for me to start over at a new place at the bottom of the rung. But it is so good, no one there cares about my education, experience, etc. To them I am the new guy who hasn't earned his chops. Fantastic, the Lord holds my pride in check and shows me that I am not as important as I think. I work with about 10 other people that have been so kind and helpful in training me. My boss graciously gave me this job, and for that I am grateful. I am also looking for another part-time job that would help me be with both more and different people, but we will see what happens with that.

Abby has been offered a job at the downtown YMCA as a school aged coordinator. She is calling them back today to discuss the position and finalize the details. She will interact with children, parents, workers, teachers, administrators, and other people at the Y. We are so excited about this and what it could mean for her, our family and our calling to Fargo.