"shot to the heart"

Friday, August 8, 2008
The Lord is continuing to remind us of how great and sovereign he is. Ya know I was starting to really be bummed about working so many nights (4 this week) but then something happened last night. I have started remembering peoples faces and at night I have time to talk to them. Eric, Tony, Jay, Katie, and some others I got the face but not the name yet. While I am not republican or democrat I have thoroughly enjoyed having the people from OBAMA campaign office dine with us. They have so so fun to get to know and many of them are in similar situations as we are. They came here believing in something so much that they would curb other facets of life to be transplanted in an unknown area fighting for the cause they believe in.

Now, not tooting my own horn the Lord works in and with people wherever they are and they are just as faithful to the the Great Commission as those who leave. They love it that I am not from Fargo, I'm a non-party conservative, I have my masters, and I am planting a Church. I love their zeal, tenacity, dedication, and interest in the people. They have all asked to come to the Bible study/dinner, we will soon start hosting, as a way of getting to know the community better and Abby and I welcome that.

What the living like a missionary truth we can gleam, be aware. Be aware of the worker at your favorite coffee shop, sandwich place. Be aware of the gas station attendant or waiter who service you. Be aware of the mail carrier, paper person, post office worker, kiosk attendant, and grocery store clerk. Ask their name get little snipits of their story. Go home write it down and continue to interact with that/those people. Get the bigger picture of who they are, over your time of talking to them, and look for the God ordained moments to share the hope you have. I'll be talking about this a lot over the course of blogging but I wanted to share some real happenings from Fargo. Tonight is my 10 P.M.-4 A.M. shift with the bar rush so pray for me and the late night.

On another note we are still raising support we still have some miles to go and could use any and all the help we can. We are both getting our jobs going but the ministry aspect cost a little more, so if the Lord leads you. Thanks for the support