Lets take a poll

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Go ahead and chime in when you think Abby is going to deliver. March 9 is the due date so please lets get some thoughts on when Julia is going to join us here on the outside. I was hoping for fri the 13th but alas it was a no go. ANY THOUGHTS?


b said...

I say March 4. Not only is it MY birthday, which makes it cool, but it is the only day of the year that is a sentence... "March Forth!" :-D

Katie said...

I vote march 5!!! I can't wait to meet Miss Julia Ruth this summer :)

Jeremy said...

It will be March 10th at 12:30 pm. Pam says the first child usually comes on or after the due date. I am banking on her healthcare experience.

Melanie and Josh said...

well since she has already made it farther than I did with Jack, I may not be the best person to guess...I guess I'm gonna say March 6th and 12:34 pm since that would make her EXACTLY 15 months younger than Jack (to the minute)

rhenry said...

well, march 15 are the ides of march, so lets hope its not then...
how about march 2... at 6pm. :)

Unknown said...

I think you may get your Friday the 13th baby ... unless she is induced, in which case you're cheating!

Crystal said...

In my childbirth class we learned that the average gestation is actually 41 1/7 weeks. Based on that it would be 8 days after March 5th, so Friday the 13th would be right. I know that Abby probably hates the idea of going 8 days late though! I was 3 days after my "due date".

Amy said...

There's a Friday the 13th in March too! Maybe it could happen afterall!

Anonymous said...

Alright, this prediction is for Abby, the one who is actually carying this little girl. I say she comes the weekend of the 9th. The full moon is on the 11th and with my two... that has proved to be a true wives tale. I hope she comes on or before the due date. Babies are more fun outside the womb.