What's up in here!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My goodness peoples, has it ever been a crazy 6 weeks. Blizzard, winter storm, two mothers visit, a historic flood, the birth of our daughter, got a new place, moving from the old one to the new one, and now unpacking and waiting on the next flood crest and getting back to planting Mission Fargo.

We are enjoying our sweet daughter Julia so so much and also our new place.

It has been so overwhelming lately being apart of something as daunting as fighting a flood. Something I am so reminded of is the power of God. Something like an every widening and strong flowing river is scary and so powerful, but chew on this; God made that, not only did God make that he also wills it. WOW that is a powerful God, and I am so glad i worship this powerful God.

Another thing from the flood that floors me is a word that we at Mission Fargo hold so near and dear and that is community. The city and surrounding areas lived community. People that had no vested interest in the Red here in Fargo came and gave their all to fight for peoples homes. People that had already lost so much were in the middle of large piles of sand filling bags when they could be wallowing in self pity, but instead they are in there fighting for people they didn't know and might not ever meet.

I worked along side people from many different social strata, all for one common goal. When I was on the dikes I was in a super ritzy part of town. These homes were huge and beautiful and to be honest way out of my league. These kind people who we were there to help showered us with drinks, food, use of the homes etc. In many other times of life I would not have crossed paths with them, but they were there with us loving on all of us and thanking us for our hard work.

Friends this is why we are starting Churches here. We want to build a Christ centered community in the city to love the city. Not for our own selfish gain, but because Christ is so wonderful and his grace so lovely that it compels us to pass this along and create a city within the city.


Trey said...

Nice post dude. Good to hear a little about the work you did during that crazy time. Hope you guys are doing well.